A divinely imaginative vegan food blog and food photography blog, recipe collection, and book and zine store.
It's always somewhat nerve-wrecking to release a brand new project into the wild, and I'm eager to start posting content, so I'll keep this short and sweet:
My name is Kelly Peloza and I'm a vegan cookbook author, photographer, and blogger. If you want to learn more and see pics of cute animals, check out my about page. I began writing a vegan cookie cookbook and an accompanying vegan food blog in 2007, and I've been blogging at The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur ever since.
In May 2013, I graduated from college and attended Vida Vegan Con. Both of these events got me incredibly inspired for new projects. With the time constraints of student life no longer an issue, and the subject matter limitations of a blog called The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur, I wanted to put consistent time and energy into something brand new. And here we are! The cookie blog archives will still be available and I'll post details if and when they relocate. But no worries, here you'll find every feature of The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur, and more.
The recipe section is a little sparse at the moment, but as I add more posts, the recipe drop-down on the menu bar will magically gain more categories. Dessert, cookies, entrees, appetizers, drinks, etc!
Books and Zines
As of now, I've published two vegan cookbooks: The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur and Cheers to Vegan Sweets. I also write zines sometimes! And I may or may not be working on a vegan bacon zine as we speak. You can purchase cookbooks and zines in my online bookstore. I'll write you a nice little message in your order and ship it to you myself!
Social Media
You'll find links to all my social media pages on the sidebar. Follow/friend request for blog updates, food photography, animal pics, and recipes! Also, you can add Seitan Beats Your Meat to your Feedly or other non-Google reader with the RSS feed.
I think that covers all the bases for now. I'm really excited to start blogging again and eager to hear feedback!
What do you like, and what do you want to see? What do you hate (please be kind, I'm ultra-sensitive)? Please feel free to contact me via email or social media!
June Baby
I hope you keep blogging here! Have really enjoyed your posts so far 😀